
Friendship as Medicine: Friendship works as both medicine and prayer, know how

Do you know that your health does not depend only on a healthy lifestyle, medicines and doctors… Yes, it is true that your health also depends on your friendship. Research shows that loneliness increases the risk of diseases. People living alone can especially be victims of heart-related diseases.

A new report from the American Psychiatric Association suggests that a lack of acquaintances and friends or a reduced circle of social interaction can lead to a number of illnesses.

The recent research of the American Psychiatric Association is an analysis of 6 different researches conducted earlier. This study conducted on about 1 lakh people found that as soon as a person’s social interaction decreases significantly, his chances of suffering from heart diseases increase by 16%. Apart from this, health related problems like dementia, difficulty in walking, sleeping disorder, unhealthy lifestyle were also seen more in such people.

Relationships work as medicine and prayer in life

The relationships that have been shown to be important for mental and physical health in the research do not only include close, intimate or family bonding relationships. Some of these relationships are such that we usually call them ‘relationships based on acquaintances’. According to research, normal social interactions can also have a significant impact on our happiness. In this way, the person you meet in the park, the person who asks about your well-being on the road also improves your social circle as well as your health. Here, keep in mind that whatever the relationship may be, only those people with whom you meet or talk at least twice a month can be included in the scope of social interaction.

How relationships improve health

The role of C-reactive protein becomes important in understanding the connection between health and relationships. Actually, C-reactive protein indicates the level of infection in the body. The higher it is, the greater will be the risk of infection and serious diseases.

Researchers say that the level of C-reactive protein decreases in people who spend more time with friends, partners, relatives, colleagues or any acquaintance. Due to which their chances of falling sick are reduced to some extent. Due to low C-reactive protein, their body is ready to fight diseases.

‘SNI’ will tell you the status of your relationships and your health

Research shows that the number of relationships affects health, but measuring these relationships and their depth is not that easy. Because it is not possible to bind relationships in a mathematical formula. In such a situation, the Social Network Index (SNI) can be useful. Social Network Index can be called a scale to measure the number of relationships. It tells how many different roles a person is playing in society, family and relationships. For example, if a person has a relationship with 1 person each as a friend, brother, romantic partner, teacher and colleague, then in this situation his Social Network Index (SNI) will be 5. The more socially active a person is, the higher his SNI will be and the chances of his falling ill will decrease accordingly.

Making and maintaining relationships is not a difficult task, follow these tips

Maintain old relationshipsInstead of making new relationships, it is better to increase interaction with old friends, colleagues and relatives. Keep checking in on them from time to time and find opportunities to meet.

Involve yourself in social activities– Social work can be the best medium to be socially active and meet people. With the help of community work, you can connect yourself with new people. By doing this, along with being active, you can also give a good purpose to life.

Interact with social media– When it comes to socializing, social media is seen as an anti-social element, which makes people lonely in a virtual world away from society and relationships. But if it is used mindfully, social media can eliminate loneliness. For example, instead of doomscrolling, if it is used to interact with new and old friends, acquaintances and relatives, then it can eliminate loneliness.

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