
Yoga and Ayurveda are effective in fighting cancer, know how to create a protective shield against this deadly disease

If you are determined, then winning any challenge or any battle is not impossible, even if that battle is against the most deadly disease, cancer. Only those who know how to fight win. But for this, along with timely treatment, it is also necessary to detect the disease early. However, this often does not happen in the case of cancer. For your information, let us tell you that in 80% of cancer cases in the country, the patient’s life cannot be saved due to delay in diagnosis. Apart from this, it is also a matter of concern that every ninth Indian is in the grip of cancer.

What do the figures say?

90% of lung cancer cases are detected in the last stage. The figure for breast cancer is 50% while 70% of cervical and oral cancer cases are detected in the advanced stage. This is the reason why more than 1.5 crore cancer patients have died in the last 22 years. A report even claims that by next year India will become the cancer capital. Currently, India is at number three after China and America. Do you know that physical activity reduces the risk of this disease by 41%? Popular TV actress Hina Khan is in stage three of breast cancer. The actress is very positive about her treatment. Hina has also promised her fans to recover quickly while staying strong. Cancer patients should follow this approach. Along with this, you can reduce the risk of cancer by doing yoga-pranayama.

Cancer in men

Food pipe cancer – 13.6%
Lung cancer – 10.9%
Stomach cancer – 8.7%

Cancer in women

Breast cancer – 14.5%
Cervix cancer – 12.2 %
Gall bladder cancer – 7.1%

Cancer risk factors


What not to eat to avoid cancer?

Processed Food
fried items
Red Meat
carbonated drinks

Effective in cancer

Aloe Vera

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