
If you don’t have nail polish remover at home, then no problem, you can try these effective methods

Do you also think that nail polish can be removed only with the help of nail polish remover? If yes, then today we will clear this misconception of yours. Actually, you can remove nail polish from your nails with the help of some home remedies. If you do not have a nail polish remover or you have lost your nail polish remover and you have to remove the nail paint, then you can try any one of these methods.

You can use lemon and vinegar

You can also use lemon and vinegar to remove nail paint. To remove nail paint easily, first of all you have to soak your hands thoroughly in lukewarm water for a while. Now apply the mixture of vinegar and lemon juice on your nails with the help of cotton. With the help of this method, your nail polish can be removed instantly.

Must try toothpaste

You will be surprised to know that toothpaste can also prove to be very effective in removing nail polish. Apply some toothpaste on your nails and rub it well after a minute or two. Believe me, your nail polish will be completely cleaned. With the help of this home remedy, your nails can be cleaned in minutes.

Hair spray/perfume will prove effective

Alcohol is found in hair spray and this is why nail polish can be removed with its help. Apply hair spray on your nails with the help of a cotton ball and see the positive effect yourself. If you want, you can also use perfume. Rub a little perfume on your nails with cotton and your nail polish will start getting removed.

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