
Becoming rich is not rocket science, if you follow these golden rules then you will never face shortage of money

How to become rich : There is no shortcut to becoming rich. Also, becoming rich is not rocket science. You can become rich by adopting some financial discipline in your life. You should have good and multiple income sources. Also, a good financial planning is also necessary. Today we are going to give you some such tips, which will help you in the journey of becoming rich. Let us know what these are.

Is there motivation or not?

Motivation is very important to achieve any goal. If you want to become rich, then there should be a strong motivation behind it. That is, you should have some goals. These goals can be a luxury house, a big business, a high-paying job or something else. If you want to succeed in wealth creation, then you should have deeper internal goals. Money is a great motivator in itself. The more money you have, the less it seems to you. There should be a reason behind your desire to become rich, which is deep and it is very important that it is right for you. This reason will keep you motivated.


You have to focus on three things. A, B and C. That is, earning, spending and saving. To become rich, there must be a right relation between your earning, spending and saving. If you are spending more than what you earn, you will not be able to become rich. Do not waste a large part of your earnings in pursuit of show-off and luxury life style. If you want to create wealth, then spend less than your income and invest the remaining money. The younger you start saving and investing in your life, the bigger fund you will be able to create.

take advantage of compounding

Compounding is very important in wealth creation. Compound interest has the power to take your investment from 1 to 100. For example, you invest 1 lakh rupees in a place where you get a return of 26 percent per annum. In such a situation, after 10 years, your amount of 1 lakh will become 10 lakh rupees. If you keep this 10 lakh for the next 10 years, then a fund of 1 crore rupees will be formed. If you keep this one crore for 10 more years, it will become 10 crore rupees. If you keep 10 crores for the next 10 years, then it will become 1 billion rupees. Now you must have understood how wonderful compounding is.

Put your money in the right place

It is very important to invest your savings in the right place. It is important to understand where to invest money and where not to. At present, you can invest money in FD, mutual funds, stock market and other investment instruments with just one click. But the problem arises when you start thinking that making money is very easy. Do not invest money in any investment instrument unless you have complete understanding of it. At present, many new investment instruments like cryptocurrency, BNPL, NFT, Meme Coin, SPAC and Green Technology are also available. These are more risky. You can also get ruined here. You can also make good money by following a slow and systematic method of wealth creation.

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