
Mungeli News: Health department issues guidelines for prevention and protection against malaria

News in Hindi: Mungeli News:There is a possibility of spread of malaria infection due to rain. In view of this, Collector Rahul Dev has instructed the medical staff to ensure prevention and effective control of malaria with full vigilance and activeness. In this connection, as per the instructions of the Collector, the Health Department has issued necessary guidelines for the prevention and protection of malaria. Chief Medical and Health Officer Dr. Devendra Paikra said that malaria is a deadly mosquito-borne blood disease, which is caused by the bite of a female Anopheles mosquito. In case of malaria, the patient starts showing symptoms like fever, headache, vomiting, restlessness, chills, dizziness, fatigue, stomach ache etc. He said that treatment and prevention of malaria is possible. If symptoms of malaria appear, one should immediately go to the nearest health center and consult a doctor.

The Chief Medical and Health Officer said that work is being done by making a proper action plan for the prevention of malaria. Under this, focus area is being marked at the field level, blood test of suspected malaria patients, RD test, detection of malaria parasite stage and density through microscopic examination, rapid fever survey by health workers through house visits, investigation of malaria cases by setting up camps in remote forest areas, schools, hostels, haat bazaar etc., larva control insecticide spraying is being done and the general public is also being made aware about the prevention of malaria.

DPM Girish Kurre said that to prevent malaria, mosquito control and protection from their bites is necessary, therefore we should keep our homes and our neighborhood clean, people should be informed about the causes of malaria, dirt and water should not be allowed to collect around the houses, coolers should be cleaned from time to time, mosquito nets etc. should be used. He said that kerosene should be sprayed at places where water collects, so that mosquito larvae die, fish like Gambusia that eat larvae should be released in ponds or lakes, fine mesh should be installed in windows and doors. He said that if fever or other symptoms appear, the patient should immediately get his blood tested and should take medicines etc. only on the advice of the doctor.

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