
Parwal benefits for health: Parwal is a treasure of qualities along with taste

In summer season, parwal is easily available in the market. In some places, parwal is also called patol. Its bhujia or gravy vegetable is made.

A good amount of vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and vitamin C is found in parwal. Parwal vegetable is also considered beneficial for diabetes patients.

The fruit, seeds and leaves of Parwal are very beneficial for the body. If we talk about its consumption, then 5 ml of Parwal leaf juice, 10 to 30 ml decoction or 1 to 3 grams of its seed powder or its fruit can be consumed by making a vegetable.

Every organ is a life-giving herb

According to Ayurveda, every part of this vegetable is considered to be like a Sanjeevani herb. Useful in the form of decoction, powder or vegetable, this Parwal proves to be successful in eradicating many diseases from the root. It is known as Parora in Bhojpuri. It is very effective in the treatment of many problems like blood sugar, boils, stomach related diseases. From Charak Samhita to Sushruta Samhita, Parwal has been described a lot. According to Ayurveda, Parwal is no less than a Sanjeevani herb. In Asava Yoni of Charak Samhita, Parwal leaves have been described as Vata Pitta destroyer, not only this, Sushruta Samhita has described every part of it as a medicine.

Effective in treating many diseases

It is effective in the treatment of many diseases. Parwal is used in many diseases like eye disease, mouth disease, diabetes, vomiting, diarrhea, jaundice, constipation, boils, leprosy, pain and burning sensation, hematemesis, weight, digestive system, cholesterol, blood sugar, getting rid of alcohol addiction, blood purification and belly fat.

Although it does not have any side effects, still if you are suffering from any disease then do not consume it without consulting an Ayurvedic doctor.

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