
Explainer: What are the political implications of #Melodi? How can Modi and Meloni change the world order? Find out

New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi returned to India on Saturday after attending the G-7 summit in Italy. When Modi’s ‘Air India One’ was landing in India, a 5-second video was going viral on social media. This video was posted by Italy’s Prime Minister Georgia Meloni on the social media platform ‘X’. In this video, Meloni is also with Modi. In this video, Meloni called herself and Modi as Melodi Team. What is this ‘Melodi Team’? To whom did Meloni reply in a light-hearted manner? What is the political meaning of this video of Modi and Meloni? Is there any message hidden in this video about the changing world order? Answers to all these questions in this report:

After all, where did the word Melody come from?

The video of Prime Minister Narendra Modi with Italian Prime Minister Georgia Meloni, which is viral on social media, was posted by Meloni on X before Modi left for India from Italy. After the meeting of Meloni and Modi, the word ‘Melodi’ started trending on social media. Actually, this word is made up of the first three words of MELONI i.e. MEL and the last three words of MODI i.e. ODI. It has received more than 22 million views, more than 2.8 lakh likes, more than 66 thousand retweets within just 10 hours on social media. #Melodi trended at number one for a long time on the social media site X.

Have met 6 times since 2022

This was the sixth meeting between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Georgia Meloni in the last 2 years. Modi and Meloni first met at the G-20 summit held in Bali in 2022. The second meeting took place when Meloni visited India on 2 March 2023. After this, the two leaders met during the G-7 summit in Japan between 19 and 21 May 2023. Meloni again came to Delhi in November 2023 to attend the G-20 summit. Then at the end of last year, the two met for the fifth time at the COP-28 conference held in Dubai. At the COP-28 conference too, Meloni took a selfie with Modi, after which the hashtag Melodi started trending.

Modi wrote this along with Meloni’s video

The effect of hashtag Melody was visible till the G-7 summit in Italy, but both the leaders accepted it wholeheartedly. Meloni and Modi also replied to the jokers but in a light-hearted manner. However, when the leaders of the two big countries of the world give a message, even if its tone is funny but its meaning is very serious. Meloni called Modi and his team ‘Team Melody’. PM Modi also wrote ‘Long Live India Italy Friendship’ with Meloni’s video. The melody of the relationship between Italy and India is hidden in this message of Modi.

Both countries moved from bad relations to strong friendship

How did the relations which had deteriorated due to the Augusta Westland deal and the arrest of two Italian sailors in 2012 on charges of killing Indian fishermen, reach their best phase under the leadership of Meloni and Modi? Why is the coordination between these two leaders so good? And why does Meloni give so much importance to Modi? To understand this, one has to understand Georgia Meloni because there is a lot of similarity in the personal life, political career and ideology of both Modi and Meloni and this is writing a new story of this Italy-India friendship.

Meloni became PM 11 years after forming the party

Meloni’s attacking style has established her as the most popular leader not only in Italy but also in Europe in recent years. Meloni is the first woman Prime Minister of Italy. She is counted among the top leaders of Europe, but this is not Meloni’s specialty. Her specialty is that she has changed the liberal trend of Europe. Meloni is a right-wing leader and after the Second World War, she is the first Prime Minister of the country who is a right-winger. In 2011, Giorgia Meloni formed the ‘Brothers of Italy’ party, but in just 11 years, the graph of her party rose so much that she reached the post of Prime Minister of the country.

In 2018, Meloni’s party won 32 seats

In the 2018 elections, Meloni’s party Brothers of Italy got only 32 seats and 4.35 percent votes. His party was at number three in the right winger coalition, but the situation changed completely in the 2022 elections. The situation changed completely in the 2022 elections, Meloni’s party got 119 seats in the Chamber of Deputies with 26 percent votes. His party came first in the center right coalition. And after this Meloni changed the politics of Italy. But how did this miracle happen? For that you have to understand Meloni’s politics.

Meloni moved forward by keeping a pulse on Europe’s politics

Meloni understood the pulse of European politics and made bold statements. Meloni opposed Islamization in Europe and openly said that there is no place for Islam in Europe, Europe and Islamic culture are not compatible with each other. Meloni also claimed that she would never allow Sharia law to be implemented in Italy. She once said, ‘I think we have problems in coordinating with Islamic culture. Some things in Islamic culture do not match our culture at all.’ Meloni stressed on controlling Islamic terrorism and called Muslim immigrants a threat to the country.

Meloni took many bold steps in the Italian elections

Meloni not only talked about fighting Islamic fundamentalism but also showed it by doing it. After coming to power, she took action against the intruders. Meloni is not only a staunch opponent of Islamic fundamentalism but she also took many bold steps in the Italian elections. She opposed LGBTQ marriages. She opposed giving a child for adoption to the LGBTQ community. She is against euthanasia. Meloni believes in God and the protection of the family. Meloni’s ideology came about due to her struggles in life. In her autobiography, Meloni has written that she has seen a family break up, so she understands its importance.

Meloni became an MP at the age of 29

Giorgia Meloni’s political career began in 1992. She joined the youth wing of MSI, an organization formed by supporters of Italian dictator Mussolini. After joining the youth wing, she became the leader of the right-wing student group Student Action. Meloni became an MP at the age of just 29 when she reached the Italian Parliament in 2006. After becoming an MP at the age of 29, Meloni created another history when after just 2 years, at the age of 31, she became the youngest minister in Italy. She was made the Minister of Youth Affairs in Berlusconi’s fourth government.

Meloni was the star of emerging right-wing politics

Giorgia Meloni is outspoken, speaks openly and calls herself the heir of Mussolini. She was also accused of being a fascist but she denied it. Meloni is not only popular in Italy but her influence is visible all over Europe where right wing politics is on the rise. Right wing parties have achieved tremendous success in Germany, France, Finland, Sweden, Spain and Hungary. Meloni has become the flag bearer of this right wing politics. Meloni is known for her shocking decisions. During the Russia-Ukraine war, when the parties in her coalition wanted to support Russia, Meloni supported Ukraine and did not even worry about her government.

‘So this is Meloni and Modi’s #Melodi’

Meloni has played a big role in changing European politics and Prime Minister Narendra Modi has done the same in Asian politics. Modi has opposed Islamic fundamentalism and talked about carrying forward culture and heritage. Both are focused on development and both are supporters of right wing ideology. The world order is changing. The world has entered a new era. There is a fight against fundamentalism. The world is looking towards such leaders who can take bold steps and show the world a new direction. In such a situation, the partnership of India and Italy can give a new direction to the world and this is ‘Meloni and Modi’s #Melodi’.

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